On Saturday January 2nd I picked up you and your brother for a sleepover. This was going to be a test with the two of you sleeping in my office. We went over to Pinnacle Peak Patio for dinner, since they will be closing soon. I had you wear your tie so they could cut it off and we all wore our hats.
I tried catching you two with the full moon in the background. I had to put my top down.
Then we saw Mr. Ron, so he took these photos.
When we got home we you two played some games on Wii and Xbox. About 8:30 I put you two in my office and I went to bed. At 3:00 in the morning Mr. Bob woke me up because he couldn't sleep with the TV so loud. I went to the family room and there you were watching TV and playing on your ipad. I turned off the TV and the TV that was on in my office.
Mr. Bob woke up around 5:30 and went to make coffee. You were still up and you helped make his coffee. I woke up about 6:30 and came out and both of you were sound asleep on the sofa. I covered you up with a blanket. I got dressed and went to church by my self.
When I arrived home you were still sleeping. Apparently you and your brother decided to stay up for 24 hours. This was not a good idea. I was angry for you to try this on your sleepover and a test to see how you two did. Well you failed the test. Looks like you won't be coming over together anytime soon.
You finally woke up around noon and I made pancakes for you. Your parents arrived around 2:00 and I explained to them what you guys did. I told them that I told you that this will never happen again. If you want to stay up 24 hours then you'll have to do it at home. You were to collect your stuff. I had put both chargers on the counter. Somehow only one made it into the bag. I searched all over and could not find it.
On Saturday the 10th I met you and your parents at Zachary's basketball game. Here you are.
On Sunday morning I started to get a pain in my head behind my right ear. I had a friend from church come and get me and take me to the Emergency Room. Mr. Bob couldn't drive because of his hip. Uncle Bruce arrived at the hospital first. Mr. Bob had a hard time getting hold of you and you parents. Phones were turned off and you thought he was just calling to say hi. Finally you father figured it out. He arrived at the hospital next. Your mother took the two of you later to stay with Mr. Bob.
The doctor's final diagnosis was "occipital neuralgia". I had this another time, but this time it was more localized and extremely painful. They gave me morphine and a prescription for pain pills for home. So we all ended up at my house. Your mother and brother played putting and then finally got out some puzzles. Here you are.
On Monday your mother and father took me to the neurologist and my GP.
Saturday afternoon Uncle Jeffrey came to town. He has a show this week and wanted to come on Saturday, so he could watch football all afternoon.
The Seahawks played the Packers. We thought the Packers, but they folded in the last 5 minutes. It was an exciting game. You and your brother spend most of the game in our bedroom playing Wii.
On Monday the 19th, Martin Luther King day, you got a stomach ache and was throwing up. Your father had to wake your mother up and they decided to take you to the ER. The doctors decided you needed an appendectomy. You arrived at the hospital around 1:00 and didn't have surgery until about 7:00. I got in to see you after surgery. You were in a lot of pain.. You mother was crying and I was crying. It was not fun to see you in so much pain. It was just a week ago yesterday that I was in the hospital with just as much pain. I ended up in a ball, holding my head and crying. You were so brave and I was very proud of you. On Tuesday you dad must have taken you to a snack area. He took these photos.
You were waving at me. Your dad texted: "Hi Nana."
Your dad texted me saying "Look who came to see Drew....
Daisy the Therapy Dog!!
Then you got released about 11:00.
No place like home and sitting on your own sofa. I talked you on the phone and you said you were going to get Xbox 1. I guess the pain was worth getting that??
On the 21st I talked to you and you said you still had some pain in the inside and that you were throwing up.
Your Grandmother came to visit Here you are at Topgolf in Gilbert

Mr. Bob and I went to church on the 25th and Ms. Suzanne, who is in charge of the hospitality coffee after the 9:00 service asked me about you and your brother. She said that both of you are so nice.
At church on Sunday the 31st, several people asked about you and your brother.
I worked on organizing the name tags at church. Here's yours.