Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 2017

Mr. Bob and I went to Spain/Portugal on the 4th of June.  It was wonderful.  We returned very late on the 18th.  I picked you and your brother up on Friday the 23rd at the Metro Station.  You had eaten yet and decided you wanted to go for lunch.  It was decided to go to Charleston's except that I kept calling it Carrabbas.  So you asked siri for directions.  He took us way out Scottsdale Road and Jomax.  I kept telling you two that there are no restaurants in that area. So, we turned around and headed south on Scottsdale Road and low and behold you saw Charleston's and Carrabbas was almost right next to it.  So we went to Charleston's and had lunch.  You and your brother each had French fries and I had flatbread pizza. 

During lunch we talked about you two spending Friday and Saturday night also. You didn't want to stay another night because you were having issues and mentioned something about anxiety and you said you looked it up on the computer last night.  You also said "My dad needs me.".  I think you have Separation Anxiety.

Then it was off to Bevmo to buy some special drinks for you two.  You are building a wall of cans.

We went to my house and opened the gifts Mr. Bob and I got for you in Spain and then you two went swimming.  We also gave you our first class gifts with socks, tooth past etc.  You really loved the socks.

Here's a photo of the bull on your bookshelf.

This you with a pair of socks on that was in one of the bags we got in first class.  You love these socks!

Kyro's 1st birthday was yesterday the 22nd.

 Special drink.

Later in the afternoon you guys took a little respite from the sun.  We've been having a heat wave.  Up to 120 degrees at times.  Ouch!

You told me that on Thursday you have to have gum surgery and you pulled down your lower lip to chow me where.  That's really a relatively easy surgery compared to what you've had in the past.

You ate almost two bags of popcorn.

Then we ordered Pizza.

Later we made up the bed in my office and I set out 2 Benadryl for you take to help you sleep.  Before Mr. Bob and I said good night, Mr. Bob told you that he would take the two of you to Starbucks in the morning and if you made it thru the night he said you could get anything you wanted!

This is how Mr. Bob and I found you in the morning.

Mr. Bob woke you up around 6:00 to go to Starbucks and he told you that since you made it thru the night you could have everything you wanted.  

You and your brother wanted to back to Bevmo for some more drinks.  They opened at 9:00, so we stopped by the church for me to drop off some things I had washed at home and then on to Bevmo.
We then stopped at Fry's to get a cake mix and some frosting to make a cake later in day.

Before leaving you and your brother went to the bathroom in the Indian room to comb your hair.  You wanted some gel and I had some so you both gelled your hair.

Time for some fun in the pool  The three of us played monkey in the middle.  I couldn't be the monkey because I was too short.  So you and your brother took turns when I should have been in the middle.

Later I tried diving.  First I did a chest flop, then a belly flop and finally a thigh flop.  I had both of you laughing so hard that I had to start laughing. It was a great day.

Later we made a cake.  Rather Zachary & I did. I had a hard time getting it out of the pans, but I managed to piece it together with frosting.  You helped adding some colored sprinkles.  You had some and I wrapped the rest for you to take home with you.
I had to take you to meet your parents at the Metro Station by 4:00  Later when I got home, your mother sent me a text "cake in back of car."  I told her that was the last time we we're going to make cake.

Tuesday, June 27th I took you and your brother to a special summer event..... IFly.Mr. Bob and I meet you, your brother and mother at IFly.

Afterwards we all went back to my house to go swimming.

On the 29th Mr. Bob started to get the back yard ready for the 4th of July.