Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 2015

Well it's December and all the Tantillo clan will be arriving on Thursday the 10th.

Got this beautiful Christmas Cactus at Fry's.  I just love it.  I haven't had one in a long time.

On Friday the 13th your Aunt Angela had a "Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest". 
Your mother won!!
Saturday, everyone came over to our house for a little holiday cheer.

Everyone must have gone over to the Princess.

Telegraph Pass running/hiking.
I love this poem.  Jesus is always with you.
You and your brother came for a sleepover on Monday the 21st. 
I let you open your gift.

It's and ice cream maker.
  I opened my gift from you and your family.  A hot towel rack.  Great! 
Then we made ice cream in Mr. Bob's ice cream maker I got him for Christmas.
Making the vanilla was easy, but when it came to making chocolate ice cream it was a little difficult.  Mr. Bob messed up with the cocoa.  So you and I went to AJ's to pick up a couple of things we needed to finish making the chocolate ice cream.  "You said it was the fastest trip ever to the store."  We did a high five!. 
When we were done, we took a sample over to Mr. Ron.
I showed you and your brother how to use the new can opener we had.  We planned on going to Bed Bath & Beyond to get one for your mother for Christmas in the morning.
You and your brother picked the shot glasses you want when I die.  I asked if there was anything else you wanted and you said yes.  I asked what?  You said "Your cross.  The one you wear around your neck."
I tucked you two into bed later and I went to bed.  About 3:00 you father called to tell me that you were sick.  I checked on you and got a blanket for you  and I to sit in my recliner.  You had a tummy ache and you talked to your father.  You mother came to get both of you a little later.  Unfortunately, we never made it to Bed Bath and Beyond.
At our hotel in San Diego
Views from our balcony.

Christmas morning at your house!
Mr. & Mr. Bob at Seaport, San Diego, CA on Christmas Day.

Posted on  Facebook on December 30th 
Brandi Westmoreland Tantillo's photo.

Proof...... for when they tell me they want a new brother!

Brandi Westmoreland Tantillo's photo.

Rare moments


Brandi Westmoreland Tantillo's photo.
Thank you note from you. 

Posted on Facebook December 31st 
Just walked in on Zack telling Drew the story of his adoption..... And apparently it's been told so many times that Drew asks him to tell it..... Whaaatttt??
I found out that this semester you got three "A's".  Way to go!