Got this beautiful Christmas Cactus at Fry's. I just love it. I haven't had one in a long time.
On Friday the 13th your Aunt Angela had a "Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest".
Your mother won!!
Saturday, everyone came over to our house for a little holiday cheer.
Everyone must have gone over to the Princess.
Telegraph Pass running/hiking.
I love this poem. Jesus is always with you.
You and your brother came for a sleepover on Monday the 21st.
I let you open your gift.
It's and ice cream maker.
I opened my gift from you and your family. A hot towel rack. Great!
Then we made ice cream in Mr. Bob's ice cream maker I got him for Christmas.
Making the vanilla was easy, but when it came to making chocolate ice cream it was a little difficult. Mr. Bob messed up with the cocoa. So you and I went to AJ's to pick up a couple of things we needed to finish making the chocolate ice cream. "You said it was the fastest trip ever to the store." We did a high five!.
When we were done, we took a sample over to Mr. Ron.
I showed you and your brother how to use the new can opener we had. We planned on going to Bed Bath & Beyond to get one for your mother for Christmas in the morning.
You and your brother picked the shot glasses you want when I die. I asked if there was anything else you wanted and you said yes. I asked what? You said "Your cross. The one you wear around your neck."
I tucked you two into bed later and I went to bed. About 3:00 you father called to tell me that you were sick. I checked on you and got a blanket for you and I to sit in my recliner. You had a tummy ache and you talked to your father. You mother came to get both of you a little later. Unfortunately, we never made it to Bed Bath and Beyond.
At our hotel in San Diego
Views from our balcony.
Christmas morning at your house!
Mr. & Mr. Bob at Seaport, San Diego, CA on Christmas Day.
Posted on Facebook on December 30th

Proof...... for when they tell me they want a new brother!

Thank you note from you.
Posted on Facebook December 31st
I found out that this semester you got three "A's". Way to go!