On Sunday the 8th you went hiking with your mother and brother. Your mother posted this on Face Book: Great way to start our day!!!....the boys did great. Telegraph Pass.

On Valentine's Day I went to watch your brother play basketball. You did not want to go so you stayed home with your father. Later all of you came over for our annual Mardi Gras celebration.
We played Wii bowling in the bedroom. You and your brother took turns on my glider machine, which I had recently out of the garage.
After 2nd lining you sort of shook the hankie at my face. You came into the kitchen to apologize. I told you that I wanted you and your brother to have lots of memories and traditions to pass on. I was disappointed that Zachary would not participate and you said "He's going thru puberty". Some times you are so mature.
You got the baby.
Later you and your brother wanted to throw grape fruits at the cactus. You got one to stick.
The next day our mother posted this on FaceBook.

On the 21st I went to see Zachary play basketball, but you wanted to stay home, so I didn't get to see you.
The man who owns your house is going to sell it. Looks like you will have to move. Your mother and father are looking for another house close to where you live now.
Mr. Bob and I are renovating our house. Mr. Bob's office is almost done, his furniture is still 3 weeks out. The kitchen will be completely demolished and rebuilt. The family room will have the carpet removed and tile to match the kitchen put down. Also, stacked rocks will be put on the wall with the windows. The house is going to be a mess for a couple of months. So no sleep overs for awhile.
On the 28th we went to Zachary's basketball game. After the game we went to lunch at Peter Piper. You rode with me in my car and told me that you like a girl names Rylie and she likes you. Somehow we got on about I'm 30 years older that your mother. I said I would be 71 in October and you as if Stewart was going to cater my party. I said no, when I'm 75 he will. You said you really liked the bar tender.
You also told me that your hamsters are going to be put up for adoption.
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