On Wednesday the 11th you had a band concert. We stopped at Chili's to have a light dinner. Your mother noticed my car was still running after we got out. I turned it off. Getting old really sucks.
You had onion rings! You looked so handsome. You are going to have girls crawling all over you. You said you had 4 girls interested in you now. OMG....
Over dinner you said you waned to enlist in the service. Maybe be a medic.
You and your brother walking into school.
You and your friend Drew!!
Your mother posted this on May the 12.

On the 14th we went to Zachary's game and then to your house for him to take a shower and pack up all your stuff. You two decided you wanted to eat at Peter Piper. I passed up one, but found one closer to the interstate. You had a pizza and a large drink.
After lunch we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get blankets for you and your brother. Zachary had asked me to buy him one the last time you stayed over. He really like that blanket. Then you said "I want one too".
Back at the house.
Zachary was being very difficult and refused to go to Mr. Ron's birthday dinner at BJ's. He must have been going thru puberty.
I ended up taking both of you home. So sorry.
You were hoping to go see 21 Pilots in concert, but you said it was too expensive and you probably wouldn't be able to go.
Your mother told me about a note that you teacher found this note in the trash and your mother posted on Facebook.

Your mother posted this on Facebook

On Saturday the 21st we went to Zachary's football game. It's the playoffs. He won the first game, but lost the second. However, he did play very well.
You told me you love your blanket and that's what you sleep with.
See you on Memorial Day.
You and your brother were looking at something Mr. Bob was looking at. Can't remember what it was.
While your mother and I were seated on the patio, she asked me to stand up. What? So I did. She then came over to me and gave me a big hug and said "Susan, I really love you and want to forget the past stuff and move forward." We both ended up crying.
You and your brother helped Mr. Bob earn $5.00 each for helping him with a small project. It was covering up some pipes near the garage door. You came in with the old stuff and tried to put it in our garbage in the house. I said, no take it out to the trash in the backyard.
While on the patio we started talking about taking you and your brother on a special trip. I said I'd take just Zachary, but I couldn't take both of you, so it ended up that I would take you, your bother and your mother on a trip. Now where do we go??? We bounced around a couple of ideas and then Great Wolf Lodge was brought up. It turns out that there is one in Washington State. So I said let's fly to Seattle and visit the Great Wolf lodge and other places. You said "I can't jump out of the plane with a parachute". We all said What?? You thought that the yellow oxygen mask that would drop out of the ceiling was a parachute. We all got a good laugh out of that.
One other thing you said to me when I told you that Mr. Bob and I are leaving for England on the first of August, was: "Can you bring me back some Aero Candy?" Of course we will.
BBQ on the patio!
Celebrating your 11th Birthday!!
Mr. Bob and left for our National Parks trip on the 31st.
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