On June 3rd you texted me saying "Nana thank you for taking us to Seattle I'm so excited".
Your mother posted this on your 11th BD on Facebook:
Anxiously awaiting Drew to open his door. My baby is 11 today! Zack thought it would crack Drew up if we used Frozen balloons that say "sisters forever"...... Bahahahaaaaa.

Awww Drew, this picture makes my heart so happy and sad at the same time. Happy to watch you grow into a young man yet sad that it's going so fast. Before I know it you'll be leaving for college. AHhhhhhhh... I can't even think about it. I pray all your wishes come true!!

Beautiful day on the lake! June 18th.
On June 24th I picked you and your brother up so you could stay with me and Mr. Bob for the weekend. Uncle Jeffrey is coming over in the afternoon to spend the night & Saturday night. He will be leaving Sunday for Niagara Falls, NY where he will be living. No more California.
Uncle Jeffrey went to have dinner with Uncle Bruce and I made pasta and garlic knots for you and your brother.
Your mother posted this on Facebook Monday the 27th.
Uncle Jeffrey went to have dinner with Uncle Bruce and I made pasta and garlic knots for you and your brother.
Having fun with Uncle Jeffrey in the pool.
At 2:30 in the morning you woke me up. You had a really bad stomach ache. You were crying because it hurt so much. You texted your mother who was at work. I got a blanket and covered you up in a chair in the family room. I couldn't do anything to make you feel better. Finally your mother decided to pick you up around 6:30 a.m. She needed to get a couple of hours sleep. You, your mother and father returned to have a BBQ and going away party for Uncle Jeffrey.
You did not want to spend the night again. You told me that Zachary tried to get you to stay. I told you that if you didn't want to stay that was OK.
Do not underestimate the feeling of cracking an egg on your "lippy" tween's head! Sometimes you gotta' get cray!
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